Starfinder Game Day 8/27 - 12pm to 10pm
Hey All.

We are doing something special for the game day on August 27th!
We will be running Starfinder all day!

We will work out the exact slots at the beginning of August but the current plan is to run the Quests all day
and possibly have a table of at least Scenario 1.   If their is enough interest we also will try to run the Pre-Gen Special.

Keep your eyes on this thread and we will update it at the start of August.


For now here are the people that have said they are attending.
We will figure out tables as soon as the quests and special gets released.
  • Martin
  • Chuck (Facebook/Meetup)
  • Corey (Facebook)
  • Woody (Facebook)
Corey - Estimates we have 20 players. (8/11)
My Scenario List is at PFS Tracker
PFS #48026
Unless there's a formal DragonCon Slot Zero, I will be there to effectively Slot Zero as much SF material as you can fit onto one scheduled day.

I'd also prefer PreGen Special over Scenario 1 - that probably still needs to stay in the barrel, mainly because you can't expect players to make potentially permanent character decisions in a total absence of system mastery, i.e. stick to pregens as long as you can until you know what's going on with both mechanics and fluff.
Wasteland Gaming Liaison

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

(06-26-2017, 08:48 PM)pgfrix Wrote: Unless there's a formal DragonCon Slot Zero, I will be there to effectively Slot Zero as much SF material as you can fit onto one scheduled day.

I'd also prefer PreGen Special over Scenario 1 - that probably still needs to stay in the barrel, mainly because you can't expect players to make potentially permanent character decisions in a total absence of system mastery, i.e. stick to pregens as long as you can until you know what's going on with both mechanics and fluff.

I agree with you on the PreGen special.
My Scenario List is at PFS Tracker
PFS #48026
Due to scheduling this will be running Sunday 8/27.
My Scenario List is at PFS Tracker
PFS #48026
Reaallly! I might be able to do this.

Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
Cool! It would be great if you could!
My Scenario List is at PFS Tracker
PFS #48026
Count me in!
All. If you are going to attend please let me know so I can see if I need to scrounge up GMs.
Corey is telling me their is a lot of interest.
My Scenario List is at PFS Tracker
PFS #48026
I'll be there. I've been looking forward to Starfinder for a while.

An updated list of what I've played is at
I can come out to run some tables of the Quests or the pregen special.. Gotta start climbing the new ladder to 5 stars!

If the first actual adventure is available by then, I'd love to play it.

Dave B.

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