My Parents' Basement - December 12
I'm scheduled to play Captives of Toil this Saturday at the Xmas party so if you prefer, I'll schedule it for January and February and run it for y'all then. However, I can't make the December game at MPB, so if y'all want to just go ahead and play it then that's fine too. Another option that looks like it would work for y'all: 9-18 Scourge of Farheavens (1-5). Just let me know which you prefer.
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198

Messages In This Thread
My Parents' Basement - December 12 - by Abraham Z - 11-26-2018, 12:43 AM
RE: My Parents' Basement - December 12 - by Abraham Z - 11-28-2018, 02:18 PM

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