HobbyTown USA June 24, 2017 - Start of Adventure!
Go ahead and toss me up on the waitlist, just in case people can't show.
"Ready Action:  Shoot Giant Weasel!"

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If you're looking for another GM, I'd be willing to run. 

Love this mod. I don't have the foldout map though, so would like to know by tomorrow night at least if you need me to run so I can have time to draw it ahead of time.

We would be glad to have you! I will update the schedule when I get to a decent keyboard.


(06-22-2017, 09:30 PM)Yaboi Wrote: If you're looking for another GM, I'd be willing to run. 

Love this mod. I don't have the foldout map though, so would like to know by tomorrow night at least if you need me to run so I can have time to draw it ahead of time.

Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
We now have two tables! I will shortly put a notice on the General Discussion to recruit more.

Some of my PCs: Valderon (Gunslinger 9), Ashelak the Tinkerer (Alchemist 13), Lord Ramone Dour (Unchained Rogue 12), Eagle Knight Grognard Drumm (Bard 10 / Barbarian 1)
Put Del down with a level 1 Rogue
Please add me to the gamedaySmile 

Had to create a new loginSmile
Life has interfered and I will be dropping.
Me and my nephew will play.  I will bring a lvl 2 unchained monk, he is plaing a lvl 1 unchained barbarian
I will be there with a level 1 Summoner or Hunter
Made a mistake on Anthonys PFS number for Bumpus da Grumpus it should be 237174-3

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