CANCELED - Giga-Bites March 21, 2020 Game Day SFS / PFS 1.0)
As of this morning, the CDC has linked from their page to the White House's guidance to avoid gatherings of groups greater than 10, though they still have their groups of 50 guidance on another page. In light of this, and cancellations being made at other venues, in the interest of the safety and health of the community, I am going to call off game day at Giga-Bites for this weekend, and will schedule to run these scenarios either online or at a later date.

Stay safe everyone, and if I opt to run these online in Fantasy Grounds, I'll make a separate post so those who want to play via VTT can do so.

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RE: Giga-Bites March 21, 2020 Game Day SFS / PFS 1.0) - by LokiTheWanderer - 03-17-2020, 06:17 AM

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