My Parents' Basement - WEDNESDAY, June 14, 2017 - 6:30pm - 11:00pm
Looks like 4-18, the Veteran's Vault is a possibility for me GMing at the Wildcard table, though we probably ought to consider Jack on 3-07 unless we get more players.
Aboutme, PFS#, Toons, played, GMd:
We played Veteran's Vault last month at MPB. Looking over your sig file and the pfstracker data for everyone else who is signed up, it looks like the following scenarios could be playable by everyone:

0-14 Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch (1-7)
0-17 Perils of the Pirate Pact (1-7)
0-23 Tide of Morning (1-5)
1-35 Voice in the Void (1-7)
1-45 Delirium's Tangle (1-5)
1-55 The Infernal Vault (1-7)

Does that look correct to y'all? (Josh, I'm not sure that any of your data is showing up in pfstracker, so will you in particular look at this list?). If so, I'll pick one of these from this list and we can have one 7-person table and everyone can play. Please let me know yea or nay asap so I have time to prep the scenario.

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
I'll prepare 8-01 and show up ready of the table makes. If it doesn't, no harm no foul. I'll say hey and see everyone next time.
Aboutme, PFS#, Toons, played, GMd:
Hi everyone,

I've switched Table 1 over to 8-01 Portent's Peril (1-5) to be GM-ed by Chas. Thanks to Chas for agreeing to run something on short notice! Assuming that everyone's data of what they've played is up to date, this should allow everyone who wants to play to play at this upcoming game day. (And it will give me a chance to play rather than GM).

As always, if you have requests for future game days, or want to offer to run something yourself, please let me know and I'll put it on the schedule.

see you on Wednesday,

An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198
I just noticed today that I've played 8-01, so I'll pass my seat to Abraham. See you all next time.

PS: My pfstracker isn't up to date yet. I'll try to do that shortly.
(06-14-2017, 02:40 PM)Josh S. Wrote: I just noticed today that I've played 8-01, so I'll pass my seat to Abraham. See you all next time.

PS: My pfstracker isn't up to date yet. I'll try to do that shortly.

Done, sorry about that - hopefully we can have something that everyone can play next time...
An updated list of what I've played and GM-ed is at:

PFS ID: 100198

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