Georgia Pathfinder Society
New Store In Cumming - Dice Goblin Games and Grill - Printable Version

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New Store In Cumming - Dice Goblin Games and Grill - verminnes13 - 09-04-2021

Hey guys there is a new game store in Cumming GA called Dice Goblin Games and Grill.  

I am posting this to gauge interest in setting up some Society play at the store.  Here is a general idea of game frequency
  • Once a month
  • Probably the 1st or 2nd Sunday of the month.  
  • Time will be around 2-7, depending on availability/ player preference  

There are 2 options for setting up a table.
  1. Free Play but the schedule is not fixed and the date and time will need to be set up month to month and based on events in the store/ availability of tables.
  2. $5 per player and the game is set up through the store.  This means the date/time is more fixed and we will have table priority.
So let me know your opinions.

Thanks Kaiser